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Car Accidents

27 Jul

How to Settle an Auto Accident Claim Without a Lawyer

The vast majority of car accidents in Texas are settled smoothly, with the drivers and their insurance companies quickly reaching an agreement and negotiating a settlement. However, not all car accident claims are easy a...

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19 Jul

What Happens When Auto Accident Claims Exceed Policy Limits?

Texas roads are more dangerous than ever, with a reportable car crash occurring every minute, and nearly 24,000 fatalities and serious injuries from car crashes in 2021. In addition, the cost of medical care continues to...

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31 Aug

Have Auto Accidents Increased Due to the Pandemic?

Coronavirus has affected the lives of everyone across Texas. Schools and businesses have temporarily closed and many people are working from home. This has caused traffic on our streets to go down, but how has it affecte...

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20 Mar

Why Sleep Apnea Drastically Increases Your Car Accident Risk

Everyone knows that driving while drowsy increases your car accident risk. However, the connection between sleep and risky driving goes even deeper. A recent risk analysis study unveiled that certain sleep-related facto...

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4 Oct

Massive Spike in Fatalities Due to Drivers Running Red Lights

According to AAA’s Foundation for Traffic Safety, red light fatalities are at a 10-year high. Since 2012, the number of people killed by drivers running through red lights has spiked 28%. These shocking statistics hav...

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21 Apr

Can Austin Fix Its Wrong-Way Crash Problem?

We recently published a blog discussing how local authorities are taking steps to prevent drunk driving accidents in Austin. Drunk drivers are far more likely to cause a certain type of accident that is notorious for cau...

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14 Apr

Can Austin Do More to Prevent Drunk Driving Crashes?

Several recent drunk driving accidents show why impaired drivers are one of the largest public safety threats in Austin. Each year, multiple people in our city are killed or injured by drivers who chose to get behind the...

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21 Mar

Will Austin Strengthen its Distracted Driving Ordinance?

The Austin Public Safety Commission (APSC) recently discussed possible updates to the distracted driving ordinance. APSC could ask Austin City Council to add these updates within the next several months. Three changes to...

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9 Mar

How Can You Handle Angry Drivers in Austin?

Road rage is incredibly common in Austin. We have all seen other drivers honk or perform dangerous maneuvers because they are angry at traffic conditions. Road rage is also a cause of car accidents in Austin and across t...

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12 Feb

How Do I Check the Recall Status of My Vehicle?

More than 60 million vehicles in the US are under recall for safety defects. Statistics published by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) show that 37 million of these recalls are for defective Taka...

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26 Dec

How Can Social Media Undermine Your Injury Claim?

Are you a frequent user of social media? If you are reading this blog, the chances are, yes. After all, a 2014 study by Pew Research Center found that nearly three-quarters of Internet users were active on social media, ...

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13 Dec

Videos Released Showing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Incidents from Ford Explorers

Do you remember the reports of carbon monoxide poisoning resulting from the use of certain Ford Explorers, including those used by Austin Police Department? Ford came under fire after a series of incidents that left offi...

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4 Dec

Vision Zero, Three Years Later: Has It Reduced Crashes?

Recently, Vision Zero ATX held its third annual Day of Remembrance Vigil to call for a regional approach to address the rates of car and pedestrian accidents on Austin roads. Family members of traffic accidents gathered ...

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27 Nov

Third Victim Dies After Research Blvd. Crash

That massive wrong-way drunk driving crash on Research Boulevard in November that led to the death of Nancy and Jackson Latulippe has claimed another victim. Scott Latulippe, the 41-year-old husband of Nancy and father o...

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20 Nov

What Caused the Massive Nov. 11 Rollover Crash on Research Boulevard?

On November 11, 2017, a horrific multi-car accident in the 9400 block of Research Boulevard in North Austin led to two deaths and three critical injuries. The accident occurred when a black Jeep traveling north crossed t...

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1601 Rio Grande, Suite 520 Austin, TX 78701

Fax: (512) 474-2119

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