Will Austin Strengthen its Distracted Driving Ordinance?

March 21, 2018by Aaron Allison

The Austin Public Safety Commission (APSC) recently discussed possible updates to the distracted driving ordinance. APSC could ask Austin City Council to add these updates within the next several months. Three changes to the ordinance are under consideration.

  1. No more texting at stop signs or lights. APSC is reviewing whether City Council should revoke this privilege for Austin drivers. Presently, you can send text messages while stopped at lights or in travel lanes.
  2. Banning noise-cancelling headphones. APSC may ask City Council to ban noise-cancelling headphones that are used for music or other purposes. Motorists could be at an increased risk of crashing if they are unable to hear their surroundings.
  3. Prohibiting passengers from taking photos. Several members of the commission found this proposal controversial. However, there are concerns that passenger photos, such as selfies, are distracting for drivers.

APSC will eventually vote on which changes to include before sending a recommendation to City Council. It could be several months before we update you on this story.

Injured in a Texting and Driving Accident? Contact Our Austin Auto Accident Lawyer

Austin motorists may be tempted to use their phones behind the wheel, especially during one of our legendary traffic jams. However, it is crucial to avoid this temptation. You are putting yourself and others at risk of injury or death.

Texting and driving has become a primary cause of car accidents in Texas and across the country. Statistics published by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) show that distracted driving claimed more than 3,450 lives during 2015.

If you or a loved one were harmed by a distracted driver, then you should contact The Law Offices of Aaron Allison. Austin auto accident lawyer Aaron Allison could answer questions about your legal options and rights after a car accident.

Aaron Allison