How Well Do You Keep in Touch With Clients During Their Case?

December 27, 2019by Aaron Allison

How do I ensure that my attorney keeps me updated every step of the way? Austin personal injury attorney Aaron Allison explains his schedule and dedication to keeping in close contact with his clients in this video. For more information, call (512) 474-8346.

Video Transcription:

My personal policy which I communicate to every single client I’ve ever had in my career is that unless I’m out of town or unless I’m in a trial situation, which I am all the time, on a weekly basis I’m in the courts, if you leave a call for me you will receive a return call within two business days. So, say for example I’m in court on Monday and you leave a message on Monday, well I’m not gonna get back to you on Monday, I’m gonna be in court all that day, you get a call back by Wednesday, if I’m out of town for four or five days my staff knows to communicate to everyone Mr. Allison is out of his office on a case or he’s out of his office for some other reason but will get a call back to you within two business days of his return. I tell my clients if you call on Friday afternoon and leave a message you’re not gonna get a call until usually Monday even though I am and my office is working every single weekend. I reserve that time for my research and for drafting pleadings and other legal documents, what we call as lawyers quiet time. For more information, go to

Aaron Allison