Dallas Car Accident Lawyer

No driver thinks it will happen to them, but statistics don’t lie. According to the Texas Department of Transportation, a reportable car collision happens in Texas every 57 seconds, on average.

Even if you’re a very careful driver, the decisions that other motorists make on the road and the conditions you face when driving can lead to a devastating crash and serious injuries that could affect the rest of your life.

Should you ever find yourself in a crash and need a Dallas car accident lawyer, you can always call Aaron Allison for a free consultation. He’s happy to offer 15-20 minutes of his time to provide you with some peace of mind and to help you understand what you could do next. Aaron Allison believes that it’s part of his public duty as an attorney to offer a free consultation to those who have been injured. Call him today at 512-474-8346 or reach out online.

Need Car Accident Lawyers in Dallas?

If you’re ever in a situation where you’ve been injured or have suffered any property damage or losses in a car accident, you may want to talk to a car accident lawyer. There is no legal obligation for you to do so, but it’s an important way to find out how much financial compensation you should be getting and what your next steps should be to maximize financial recovery.

Not all car accident lawyers in Dallas are the same, and what you need is an excellent lawyer who will look out for your best interests. Here’s what to look for:

  • Look for a lawyer who’s an expert in his or her field. A Dallas personal injury lawyer with years of experience in car accident claims has handled cases like yours before. He or she knows how to pursue such a claim and how to seek all available sources of compensation for you.
  • Seek out someone with competency. A competent Dallas car accident lawyer will choose the right legal strategy for your case. They will be able to explain why they are taking specific steps to seek compensation for you.
  • Consider an attorney’s reputation. An attorney who has won many cases and who is known to insurance representatives and defense attorneys is a valuable partner in your claim. Defense lawyers and insurance company personnel will know that your attorney is willing to persist and is successful in getting results, so they may be more likely to offer fair compensation.
  • Find a lawyer who’s honest with you. You want someone who will deal fairly with you and who is transparent about the strength of your case. There are no certainties in legal claims, so be wary of lawyers who make guarantees.
  • Search for a lawyer who makes you feel relieved. When you walk away from a consultation with a Dallas car accident lawyer, you should feel better about your situation. Your lawyer should have your confidence and should make you comfortable.
  • Pay attention to responsiveness. Look for an attorney who replies to your questions and doesn’t outsource your case to an associate or an attorney with less experience. You want someone who will keep you updated about your case and who will use their experience for your claim.

You don’t have to hire an attorney just because you talk to them in a consultation. You have the right to hire anyone you want, so it pays to meet with a lawyer, or even multiple attorneys, to learn more about them and to evaluate whether they’re the right fit for you.

Aaron Allison is honored to be the choice for many injured people across Dallas, Austin, and beyond. People turn to Aaron Allison because he knows who the judges are and who the defense attorneys are. He understands the juries that will be selected and the composition of juries in the three-county area. In fact, Aaron Allison continues the tradition his father set by founding the law firm in 1978.

When you work with Aaron Allison, you’re talking to him, and it’s Aaron who is answering your calls and doing the work on your case. With The Law Offices of Aaron Allison, you have one point of contact and one person responsible for your case.

If you’re looking for a Dallas-based car accident lawyer, The Law Offices of Aaron Allison is a choice you’ll want to consider. Contact the offices today for a free consultation about your case to find out if Aaron Allison and his team are the right match for you.

What To Do After a Car Accident in Dallas

Everyone reacts to the trauma of a car accident differently, but in the immediate aftermath of an accident, it’s common to experience numbness, confusion, anxiety, agitation, and other symptoms that can impact how you respond to the event.

Despite these challenges, it’s important to protect your rights after a car accident. Here’s how to do that:

Evaluate What Happened

Take any action needed to avoid further injury. This can mean moving out of the way of oncoming traffic or getting out of your car if there is a fire or other imminent danger.

Try to remain calm and determine if you need to call 911. If you feel any pain or see any signs of a serious injury, call 911 and follow the advice of the operator. You’ll also want to call 911 if you see any signs of illegal activity. For example, if the other driver seems under the influence, call the police so they can prevent further accidents and injuries.

If it’s safe to do so, render aid to anyone at the scene who needs it. It’s best to call 911 if anyone’s injured and follow the dispatcher’s instructions to prevent aggravating any injury. Avoid moving someone who’s injured unless there is imminent danger or a 911 dispatcher instructs you to do so. Moving someone can exacerbate a spinal cord injury and other types of injuries.

Avoid talking at the scene of the accident. Focus on the next steps rather than discussing what may have caused the accident. Anything you say at the scene of the accident can later be used against you, so stick to the facts and focus on getting everyone help and getting contact and insurance information from the other driver.

Get Medical Help

Not all car accidents lead to obvious symptoms and injuries. If there’s any chance you could have hit your head in the accident, visit the emergency room. You could have suffered a life-threatening traumatic brain injury, even if you have no symptoms.

Even if you feel fine after your collision, see a doctor or visit an urgent care center as soon as you can. Sometimes, it can take hours or days for symptoms to develop in specific types of injuries. Getting to a doctor sooner can help you get the right treatment. It also gives you a way to prove that your injury is related to your car accident.

After a car accident, you may feel numb or so traumatized that you minimize or fail to notice symptoms. Please don’t assume you’re OK. Always get a medical evaluation.

Get Evidence and Information

The most important thing after a car accident is your health. If you need emergency services, focus on getting that care. If you don’t need to be carried away in an ambulance, though, get insurance information from the other driver and start collecting any evidence that can help you build your case. Here are a few ideas on how to do that:

  • Take photos and videos of the accident scene using your phone.
  • Take photos of any car damage and the surrounding area with your phone.
  • Get the contact information of any witnesses, if you can.
  • While you still remember the details, write down anything you can remember about the accident and anything that happened right before the crash.
  • Take pictures of any injuries you’ve suffered.
  • Keep any receipts related to the accident—even a receipt for the taxi home or the tow truck.

Contact a Dallas Car Accident Lawyer as Soon as You Can

Sometimes, insurance companies will approach survivors very soon after a car accident. In some cases, insurance representatives will visit an injured person in the hospital room on the day of the accident. The goal is almost always to get the survivors to sign a release of liability. The insurance company may even offer what seems like a lot of money in exchange.

It’s almost impossible to tell whether you’re getting a fair offer. You may not even have a full diagnosis of all your injuries yet. In these situations, you’ll want to talk to a Dallas car accident lawyer first—before you say anything to the insurers and before you sign anything. Once you talk to an insurance company, you’re making a statement, and making a statement or signing any paperwork can hurt your ability to seek more compensation later on.

Aaron Allison has worked with many clients who were made an offer by insurance companies that was a small fraction of what the case was actually worth. It costs nothing to call The Law Offices of Aaron Allison and to get some information and advice about your situation before you make any decisions or sign anything.

Report the Accident

Reporting the accident is legally required in many cases, and it can help you seek financial recovery for your injuries. You’ll want to report the accident to the police and get a copy of the police report. You’ll also need to report the collision to your insurance company.

If you were driving as part of your work duties, you’ll need to report your accident to your employer. In this situation, you may have a worker’s compensation claim if you’re injured, and it’s your employer who will file a claim with their insurer.

Follow Up

Getting financial recovery from a car accident can take time. You may need to answer questions from insurers, wait for their decision about your accident, or wait for your case to work its way through the courts.

It can be difficult to wait, especially if you’re feeling financial pressure because you can’t work or the hospital bills are piling up. Working with Aaron Allison means you have one point of contact. Your Dallas-based car accident lawyer stays in touch with you and keeps you updated about your case. Working with The Law Offices of Aaron Allison also means you may feel less pressure to accept a quick settlement or low offer because your lawyer can explain what is reasonable in your case and can give you information about how long your claim could take.

Common Causes of Dallas Car Accidents

There’s an almost endless list of possible causes of car accidents, but the following are the most common. Some car collisions can even be caused by a combination of a few factors.

Distracted Driving

Distraction doesn’t just involve texting or using a cell phone. Any activity that takes a driver’s hands off the wheel, their mind off driving, or their eyes off the road is dangerous. Even microseconds of inattention are enough to cause a life-changing car accident.

Fatigued Driving

Many working people are stressed and overworked, and this can make them a danger on the roads. Tired drivers can have the same slow response times and poor judgment as drunk drivers. Fatigued drivers can also fall asleep at the wheel, losing control of their cars and crashing into other vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists.

Fatigue can be caused by shift work or even medical conditions such as sleep apnea. Some drivers aren’t even aware that they’re so tired that they’re a danger on the road, but they can still be held liable if their actions cause a collision.

Fatigued driving cases can be complex, especially if a driver doesn’t have a medical history that explains the fatigue. In this situation, you’ll want to work with an experienced Dallas car accident lawyer who can gather evidence of unsafe driving to help build your case.

Drunk or Impaired Driving

Even after decades of awareness campaigns, some motorists still choose to drive under the influence. Alcohol, illegal drugs, and even prescription and over-the-counter drugs are bad news on our roads. Drivers under the influence have poor response times and bad judgment. They can even fall asleep at the wheel.

DUI laws in Texas allow drunk drivers to be criminally charged. These drivers can face fines, jail time, and even suspension of their license. If you’ve been injured by a drunk driver, you should know that regardless of the outcome of a criminal trial, you may have a right to pursue justice and compensation in a car accident claim. It doesn’t matter whether the driver was charged or whether he or she had a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) below the 0.08 percent legal limit. If the driver was impaired and caused your accident or injuries, you might have a case.

Reckless Driving and Human Error

One of the most common causes of car accidents is human error. A driver may fail to check a blind spot, for example, or may simply not notice a traffic sign indicating a one-way street.

No one is perfect, but a driver who causes an accident because of a preventable error can still be held liable. In these cases, a Dallas-based car accident lawyer will determine whether the driver should have been able to prevent the error.


Speed limits are set based on road design and environmental conditions. Exceeding the speed limit gives drivers less time to react in case of a sudden, unexpected event. It becomes harder to stop in time, increasing the risk of an accident.

Speeding can also make accidents much more devastating by increasing the force of impact. A driver who is speeding is more likely to cause severe injuries and a serious car accident. They’re also more likely to lose control of their car or even rollover.

Failure to Obey Traffic Laws

Traffic laws exist to keep drivers safe. When motorists run red lights or make illegal turns, it’s harder for other users of the road to predict what’s happening, and traffic accidents become more of a risk.

Road Design

Roads in Dallas and across Texas are supposed to be designed and maintained so they’re safe for all users. Visibility issues, potholes, confusing traffic signs, poor lighting, and other design flaws can all lead to serious accidents if drivers can’t see correctly or if the road surface is unsafe.

Do you suspect that a problem with the road design caused your car accident? Governments enjoy protection from liability, so you’ll want to work with an experienced Dallas car accident lawyer to build a strong case.


Road work and construction sites pose a big danger to motorists. If you need to drive through a construction site, you may need to drive through an unfamiliar area with temporary traffic signs. There may be debris on the road and crews, as well as heavy machinery, near you. Other drivers may be distracted by the road work, which can also put you at risk.

Construction site managers and crews have an obligation to keep any work areas on our roads safe. This can mean posting flaggers to direct traffic and installing temporary signage. It also means keeping any road areas clean and safe for drivers. When this isn’t done, anyone who’s injured in a car accident on the construction site may have a claim.

Car accidents involving construction sites are complicated, however. There are usually multiple liable parties, including the construction company, subcontractors, suppliers, and even the local government. There may be more pressure for you to accept a quick settlement because these entities want to shield themselves from liability.

The complexity of these situations is why you need a Dallas construction accident lawyer with experience in these types of claims. A lawyer like Aaron Allison can find out who is liable and can pursue all relevant parties through negotiation or even trial to make sure you get a chance to seek the financial recovery you need.

Mechanical Defects

When you see a car manufacturer release a new model of a vehicle, you expect that they have created a vehicle with all the great features you want and also all the safety checks to make the car safe on the road. Unfortunately, each year, people are killed or injured in car accidents caused by poor design or manufacturing processes, and each year, cars are recalled after they cause injury.

Medical Issues

Many medical issues can make driving unsafe. People living with dementia, for example, may not have the cognitive ability to drive. Individuals with seizure disorders can lose control of their cars. Even someone with sleep apnea can fall asleep at the wheel.

Doctors in Texas warn their patients when they have a condition that can affect their driving. Doctors who are concerned that their patients continue to drive despite a medical condition that makes it dangerous can report patients to the Driver License Office License and Permit Specialists, who can conduct an investigation. If a driver is found to be unsafe, their license can be revoked.

In a city like Dallas, where people love their cars and trucks, it can be hard to hang up the keys. If a driver knows they’re no longer safe to drive, however, they can’t get behind the wheel. If they do, they can be held liable if they cause an accident that leads to injuries and losses.

Weather Conditions

In Dallas and across Texas, severe thunderstorms, extreme heat, high winds, flooding, and other significant conditions can pose a severe danger to motorists.

Many drivers assume that if their car accident was caused by bad weather, they don’t have a claim. This isn’t true. In bad weather, it’s expected that drivers will adjust their speeds and use more caution. When motorists ignore the conditions and drive recklessly, they can be held accountable.

Road Rage

Everyone gets frustrated by Dallas traffic sometimes. When that frustration escalates to road rage, drivers may speed, change lanes suddenly, cut off traffic, and drive so recklessly that they cause a traffic accident.

What’s even more terrifying is that, in some cases, angry drivers will get out of their cars and try to attack or confront other motorists.

Common Dallas Car Accident Injuries

Car accidents can cause some life-changing injuries, including:

  • Spinal cord injuries can lead to paralysis or reduced range of motion.
  • Back injuries, which can lead to chronic pain.
  • Broken bones, including compound fractures.
  • Injuries to your eyes and face, which can impact your ability to see, hear, and speak.
  • Amputations, which can happen if someone needs to be cut free from their car or if a limb is so damaged that it can’t be saved.
  • Head injuries, which can lead to a lifetime of impairment.
  • Disfigurement, scarring, and burn injuries.

No matter what kind of injury you’ve suffered in a car accident, you shouldn’t have to make financial sacrifices when healing, especially if your car accident was caused through no fault of your own. Contact The Law Offices of Aaron Allison to discuss your injuries with a Dallas car accident attorney.

In Dallas, you do have the advantage of world-class medical care. Dallas is home to UT Southwestern Medical Center, which is recognized as one of the top 20 hospitals in the country by U.S. News & World Report. UT Southwestern’s Clements University Hospital and ten other facilities in the area have also been ranked among the nation’s best by Healthgrades.

While Dallas is home to cutting-edge medical care, quality treatment can be expensive, even if you have excellent medical insurance. Don’t let worries about your medical costs affect your healing process. Reach out to The Law Offices of Aaron Allison. In a consultation with a Dallas-based car accident attorney, find out how you can seek compensation for your injuries so you can get quality care and peace of mind.

Get Maximum Compensation for Your Car Accident Injuries

You may be doing everything right. You may be driving carefully and paying your car insurance premiums. In a car crash, you may assume you’re covered and that your insurance company will take care of you.

In reality, this doesn’t always happen. Many drivers in Dallas and across Texas find that the insurance money they’re offered by their provider doesn’t fully cover their medical bills and other costs. This can cause severe financial problems for you now and in the future, but there are ways to seek maximum compensation for your car accident injuries:

Contact a Dallas Car Accident Lawyer as Soon as Possible

The sooner you talk to a lawyer about what’s happened, the sooner your lawyer can start building a strong case. He or she can talk to witnesses and secure evidence.

Talking to a lawyer right away also helps you build a strategy. After a consultation, you’ll better understand whether you have a case or whether you might want to accept the insurance money an insurer is offering you.

Keep All Information About Your Car Accident

Really, nothing is too small. If you need a car rental, keep the receipt. If your injuries get worse or get infected, document that with pictures and a note about what happened. Keep any letters you get from insurance companies and any copies you have of police reports or medical records related to your accident.

Your Dallas car accident lawyer is there to help you build your case, and that’s simpler if you have evidence that can cast light on what caused the accident. Having receipts also helps your lawyer seek fair compensation for your injuries and costs.

It’s very useful to keep notes about your injuries. You’ll easily forget details unless you write them down, so you might want to keep notes about:

  • Any activities your injuries prevented you from enjoying
  • The exact times and dates when you had to miss work because of your injury
  • Any pain or suffering you experienced, including the time and date when you felt the pain
  • When you visited doctors or specialists about your injuries and the treatment you received

Don’t worry about sorting out which documents are relevant. It’s always better to keep everything and let your lawyer decide what is useful.

Don’t Assume Anything About Your Case

After your car accident, you may feel sure you know what caused the accident. You might even think you understand how much you should get for your injuries, but it’s important not to assume anything. While you may think the accident happened because another driver ran a red light, an investigation could show the driver was drunk or that there was a mechanical defect that contributed to the accident.

Talk to a Dallas car accident lawyer about what may be possible in your situation. You don’t want to assume that you don’t have a case or that it wouldn’t be worth enough to pursue. Get the facts and insights from an experienced lawyer who can help you understand your situation, allowing you to make the decisions that are right for you.

Don’t Talk About the Car Accident

Stay off social media for a bit, and don’t talk to others about your injuries or your crash. Let your lawyer take care of that. It’s simply too easy for a perfectly innocent sentence you say or a simple photo you post to be used against you.

Understand What Could Impact Your Ability to Get Fair Compensation

The Insurance Research Council (IRC) reports that around one in seven Americans drive without insurance. If you’re in an accident with someone who doesn’t have insurance or doesn’t have enough coverage to pay for your injuries and car repairs, you may face additional challenges.

You may be able to get money from your own policy if you have underinsured or uninsured driver coverage. You also have the option of filing a claim against the uninsured driver. The problem is that while you may be able to recover some money from their bank account, it’s unlikely that person will have enough assets to cover all your costs, especially if you’ve suffered catastrophic injuries.

This is just one issue that could impact your ability to get fair compensation. If you’re in a rideshare service accident, truck accident, or a crash involving a type of vehicle that’s not a regular car, the claims process will be different. In a truck crash, for example, you’re dealing with a powerful commercial insurer who is highly motivated to look out for the truck company and truck driver.

There are many things that can impact your ability to get financial recovery and many factors that can make your claim more complicated. That’s why speaking with a Dallas-based car accident lawyer is so important. Your lawyer knows to look for any barriers in your case and develop a strategy to overcome them so you can pursue compensation.

Understand Your Potential Compensation

After a car accident in Dallas or any Texas community, you may be able to seek recovery for any past, present, and future damages related to your injuries. These damages can include:

  • Pain and suffering. If your injuries have caused you emotional distress, you can seek financial recovery for this suffering. You can also seek recovery for any decrease in the quality of your life that has happened because of your injury.
  • Medical costs. This can include the cost of hospital stays, surgeries, treatment, medication, medical devices, and any expected future expenses, including rehabilitation.
  • Lost wages. This can cover any income you’ve lost because you were away from work because of your injury. It can also cover reduced hours and any expected future earnings losses related to your injury.
  • Property damage. You can seek to have your car repairs covered. You can also seek compensation to have your car replaced if it was damaged beyond repair.
  • Extra costs. After your car accident, you may have out-of-pocket expenses. For example, you might have to pay for a rental car or pay to have someone help you at home if you can’t care for yourself. You can seek to have these costs covered, too.

If you’ve lost a loved one in a car accident, you may also be able to seek compensation for final medical bills and funeral costs. Through a wrongful death claim, you can seek to recover for the loss of earnings and loss of consortium.

You can only file a wrongful death claim in Texas if you have a specific familial relationship with the person who has passed. Usually, these claims are filed by the surviving spouse or children, though there are exceptions. To find out if you have a case, talk to a Dallas wrongful death lawyer, who can explain the laws to you.

Contact Dallas Car Accident Lawyer Aaron Allison for a Free Consultation

Aaron Allison and his team of paralegals believe that when you talk to a Dallas car accident lawyer, what you should feel is relief. You should feel that your case is in good hands and that you’re now free to focus on healing physically and rebuilding your life.

We believe in this so strongly that we have set up our law firm to be a reassuring and supportive resource for those who have been injured in Dallas, Austin, and other Texas communities. When you reach out to our law firm, you have a consultation with Aaron Allison, not with someone else. He’ll be honest with you about your chances of getting compensation.

If we work together, you’ll be working with one person: Aaron Allison. He will do all he can to get you fair compensation for your injuries, property damage, wage losses, pain and suffering, and more.

We’ve purposely kept our law firm small to offer every client the attention they deserve. We know that being in a car accident in Dallas can be heartbreaking. One minute, you’re driving, and the next instant, your life is changed. You may suddenly have long-term, chronic pain or permanent injuries and huge bills to consider. Your ability to earn an income or to care for yourself and your family can be impacted. With plenty of attention and an attorney who is dedicated to every case, The Law Offices of Aaron Allison are here to help you during this difficult time.

Aaron Allison goes far for his clients, sometimes literally. If a client has been physically incapacitated in a car accident and can’t visit the law office, Aaron Allison will get on a plane and fly out to see the client or will drive to the hospital or another location to see the client.

Aaron Allison has presented cases before the highest court in the land. He is admitted to practice law by the Texas Supreme Court, the Federal Court for the Western District of Texas, and the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. He can practice any area of law in the state of Texas, but he has reserved his practice for personal injury and workers’ compensation trial law. This narrowed focus means that clients can have full confidence that he can represent them in even highly challenging car accident claims cases that other law firms would pass over.

The earlier you communicate with a lawyer, the sooner he or she can start to develop a case, obtain evidence, and offer you suggestions as to how you can preserve your case. The reality is that once you sign insurance documents or other paperwork, you may have signed away your rights to seek further compensation.

Waiting for any time after a Dallas car accident can mean witness memories start to fade, and evidence disappears. It’s critical to contact an attorney right away, so if you’ve been in a car accident in Texas, we invite you to contact Aaron Allison so you can speak to a Dallas car accident lawyer quickly. Our responsive law offices don’t make you wait, and we don’t keep you guessing.

It does no harm to call Aaron Allison at 512-474-8346 to ask questions and to get a Dallas car accident lawyer’s opinion about your situation. Contact our law offices today.

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Here’s what to expect: 

  • When you call our office you will either get a live representative, or if it’s after business hours, you’ll be asked to leave a message
  • Please leave your name, phone number, and a brief description of your situation
  • We’ll call you back within 24 hours, or next business day
  • You’ll then be scheduled for a meeting with Aaron Allison

What Others Say About Aaron Allison

“I looked at several attorney’s for my husband’s case, and Aaron looks like he was the best one. He was the best Worker’s Comp attorney in our area of Texas. So, we called and made an appointment for an initial visit. Once we talked to him we got that he knows his job. Plus he’s very nice and very personable. We could tell that right away.”

— Mrs. Mario Caballero, Austin, Texas

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