Why is Texas Leading the Nation in Fatal Truck Accidents?

October 12, 2016by Aaron Allison

iStock_000004253788XSmallWhile fatal truck accidents have declined nationwide over the last few years, they have actually increased in Texas. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, fatal truck accidents account for approximately 10 percent of all traffic accidents in most states. In Texas, however, truck accident deaths account for 16 percent and that number is climbing.

Over the last four years, truck crashes that result in the death of one or more drivers has increased from 400 each year to 553, which is a 38 percent increase. While Texas is one of the larger states and that could account for at least one reason why the numbers are so high, highway safety advocates say there are other reasons, including:

  • Oil and Fracking – Texas experienced a boom in the oil and fracking industries around 2008 and that shows no sign of slowing down. According to accident reports, fatal car crash rates began increasing that same year.
  • Geography – Due to the fact Texas is located in the center of the lower U.S., it sees more truck traffic across the state than most. Additionally, the ports along the Gulf of Mexico creates even more traffic across the highways
  • Population – Texas has some of the most populated urban areas in the U.S. That combined with the number of trucks on the road puts that many more people at risk.

What is Being Done to Decrease the Number of Truck Accidents?

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration revised the Hours of Service regulations in order to reduce the number of time truck drivers spend on the road. Additionally, Texas law enforcement agencies are being trained to spot and cite dangerous trucks on the road.

Aaron Allison is an Austin truck accident attorney who fights for those injured on the road. We have been helping transportation accident victims since 1978.

Aaron Allison