Pedestrian AccidentsDoes Where You Live Affect Your Likelihood of Being Hit by a Car?

August 7, 2017by Aaron Allison

You Live Affect Your Likelihood of Being Hit by a CarCan where you live affect your likelihood of getting hit by a car? According to crash data, yes, it can.

The release of a pedestrian safety plan drafted after a year-long analysis of crash data showed that certain demographics of people are more likely to suffer injuries in pedestrian accidents.

Hit By A Car: Pedestrian Injury Statistics

Between 2010 and 2015, there were nearly 1,900 pedestrian accidents in Austin leading to 121 fatalities. For every pedestrian that dies, 10 suffer serious injuries.

The pedestrian coordinator for the Austin Transportation Department noted that east and northeast Austin tend to have higher rates of accidents. Low income communities that rely on walking or biking for their commute suffer the most pedestrian accidents.

The Transportation Department also mentioned how street design can affect accident severity. Of all deadly pedestrian accidents, 64 percent happened on roads with speed limits of 45 and up. Crashes on streets with sidewalks missing on both sides were twice as likely to result in serious injury or death. And street lighting reduces the possibility of nighttime crashes by almost 10 percent.

If a car strikes you while you are walking or biking, you are at risk of serious, sometimes permanent injuries. Traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury and other serious injuries can leave you with expensive medical bills, not to mention having to miss work and endure pain. If a negligent driver causes your injuries, you can seek damages. Speak to an attorney about your case.

Aaron Allison

Aaron Allison portrait

Aaron Allison

Aaron Allison, a second-generation personal injury lawyer from Austin, follows in the footsteps of his father, who founded their firm in 1978. Admitted to practice by the Texas Supreme Court, the Federal Court for the Western District of Texas, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, and the U.S. Supreme Court, Aaron brings extensive legal expertise to his clients.

Specializing in personal injury cases, Aaron offers a distinct advantage for Texas workers injured on the job. With Texas workers' compensation laws leading many attorneys to avoid these cases, Aaron is one of only 40 lawyers among 95,000 in Texas who represent injured workers in straight workers' compensation cases. His firm continues to provide dedicated support for those suffering catastrophic work injuries, maintaining a proud tradition of advocacy spanning decades.