Are Car Wrecks Caused by Fallen Debris or Cargo Common?

December 31, 2014by Aaron Allison

This month, a traffic accident in Austin caused a cargo of grapefruit to scatter along a section of I-35, placing other vehicles in danger. Luckily, no one was hurt in this particular accident, but other motorists are not so fortunate in similar auto accidents.
overloaded trucks
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 440 people were killed and close to 10,000 people were injured in the 51,000 car accidents involving fallen cargo or debris on the road. Regulations exist in an attempt to curb these numbers.

Do Unsecure-Load Laws Exist?

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has regulations for trucking companies for ensuring that cargo is secure. However, there is not a federal-level unsecure-load law for non-commercial vehicles. Some states do have state laws that have regulations for all vehicles, regardless if they are commercial trucks or personal cars. Texas is included among the few states that have an unsecured-load state law that applies to all vehicles.

In our state, the fine for an unsecure-load violation is $25-$500. This is relatively light, as some states have a $5,000 penalty, which is more likely to encourage a trucking company to check the security of its cargo.

Where Can I Find an Austin Truck Accident Attorney?

Trucking companies are going to pay more than a $500 fine if their unsecure load is the source of an innocent driver’s injuries. However, in the event of an accident, an experienced lawyer must prove that the trucking company is at fault for the injuries. If an accident involving a truck has caused your injuries, then contact the truck crash lawyer at The Law Offices of Aaron Allison.

The Law Offices of Aaron Allison – Austin Personal Injury Attorney

Aaron Allison