Car AccidentsMiddle schoolers injured in bus accident leave hospital

October 31, 2013by Aaron Allison

Thirteen victims, including nine middle school students, were recently treated and released from a Temple hospital following a school bus collision with a semitrailer in Troy, Texas. The bus containing the coaches and football players from a middle school football team was struck by an 18-wheeler on an I-35 access road at around 9 p.m. Approximately 35 people were on the bus at the time of the accident.

The most seriously injured victim was the head coach and driver of the bus, who was ejected from the vehicle and suffered possible rib, vertebra, hip and sternum fractures.

Aaron Allison

Aaron Allison portrait

Aaron Allison

Aaron Allison, a second-generation personal injury lawyer from Austin, follows in the footsteps of his father, who founded their firm in 1978. Admitted to practice by the Texas Supreme Court, the Federal Court for the Western District of Texas, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, and the U.S. Supreme Court, Aaron brings extensive legal expertise to his clients.

Specializing in personal injury cases, Aaron offers a distinct advantage for Texas workers injured on the job. With Texas workers' compensation laws leading many attorneys to avoid these cases, Aaron is one of only 40 lawyers among 95,000 in Texas who represent injured workers in straight workers' compensation cases. His firm continues to provide dedicated support for those suffering catastrophic work injuries, maintaining a proud tradition of advocacy spanning decades.