Are You Voting For the $720 Million Mobility Bond?

November 1, 2016by Aaron Allison

Many are talking about the new Proposition 1, which is whether the city will receive a $720 million mobility bond that supposedly will help improve Austin’s traffic conditions and decrease the number of accidents on the road. However, some aren’t quite sure what that entails. According Austin Mayor Steve Adler, it will improve the following:

  • Dangerous intersections and corridors which includes Martin Luther King Boulevard and Airport Boulevard as well as Cesar Chaves Street and North I-35.
  • Sidewalk plans
  • Fatality reduction strategies
  • Safer school routes
  • Building medians in place of turning lanes

However, many are skeptical on whether the plan will in fact cost more money with no guarantee these road “improvements” will work.

What do you think? Will you vote for the mobility bond or against it? Leave a comment below or tell us your opinion on our Facebook page!

Aaron Allison