NewslettersDo Seat Belts Really Save Lives?

November 20, 2014by Aaron Allison

Austin Auto Accident Attorneys Explain the Benefits

The short answer is “yes.” In many cases, seatbelts have been shown to prevent serious injury and death. Nevertheless, despite such an easy and effective safety measure, many drivers still take the risk by driving unbuckled. In fact, earlier this month, a young man in Austin was involved in an early morning one-vehicle rollover that ejected the man out of his car. He was not wearing a seatbelt.

Sadly, this kind of fatal car accident is all too common. Wearing a seat belt is one of the easiest and most preventative measures to stop a car accident from turning into a fatal car accident; yet, many still choose to risk their lives. Even a short trip requires a seat belt.

Seat Belt Accident Statistics

According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), seat belts can reduce your chance of injury or death by almost half. They also mention, importantly, that air bags are no substitute for seat belts. As the following statistics from the CDC and show, wearing a seatbelt can make a difference in the outcome of serious accidents:

  • 55 percent of teens killed in car crashes in 2012 were not wearing seat belts
  • Women are 10 percent more likely to wear seatbelts than men are
  • 87 percent of urban and suburban adults wear seatbelts; whereas, their rural counterparts wear seat belts only 78 percent of the time
  • In 2008, 77 percent of passenger vehicle occupants were killed when they were ejected from the car
  • The major reasons people gave for not wearing a seat belt is that they forgot or that the distance was too short to wear one
  • Passengers are not properly buckled in more than half of fatal car accidents

What is the Seat Belt Law for the State of Texas?

In Texas, seat belt fines are $25-50 for those over 17 and increases to $100-200 for those under 17. In addition to the fines, there are court costs and driving safety course costs. Texas law does not enforce penalties on adults sitting in the back seat; although, it is strongly advised that a seat belt be warn. The back seat is not much safer than the front seat in a serious accident.

Need a Seat Belt Accident Lawyer in Austin?

The Law Offices of Aaron Allison possess a thorough understanding of auto accidents and the law surrounding them. We can help you build a strong case, increasing your chances for maximum compensation in the case of injury. If you have been injured in a car accident, then contact our personal injury lawyers at our firm today.

Aaron Allison

Aaron Allison portrait

Aaron Allison

Aaron Allison, a second-generation personal injury lawyer from Austin, follows in the footsteps of his father, who founded their firm in 1978. Admitted to practice by the Texas Supreme Court, the Federal Court for the Western District of Texas, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, and the U.S. Supreme Court, Aaron brings extensive legal expertise to his clients.

Specializing in personal injury cases, Aaron offers a distinct advantage for Texas workers injured on the job. With Texas workers' compensation laws leading many attorneys to avoid these cases, Aaron is one of only 40 lawyers among 95,000 in Texas who represent injured workers in straight workers' compensation cases. His firm continues to provide dedicated support for those suffering catastrophic work injuries, maintaining a proud tradition of advocacy spanning decades.