Austin police seek help in hit and run accident

February 12, 2013by Aaron Allison

Police officials in Austin, Texas and the Austin cycling community are waiting for a witness to come forward regarding a hit-and-run accident, which had left an Austin bicyclist injured. The driver of the car did not stop to inform the police about the accident and drove away without offering any assistance to the injured bicyclist. According to police, the accident occurred during the night hours on Cumberland Road. Police are hoping that there may be someone who witnessed the accident to help them catch the negligent driver who fled the scene. The victim can seek help of Austin car accident attorneys to represent him in a case against the negligent driver.

The accident occurred during the Thursday Night Social Bike Ride, which is a popular event and can draw several hundred bicyclists. The bicyclist received injuries to his head, neck and hands in the accident. The victim is waiting for the police to find the person responsible for the accident.

Aaron Allison